Announcements for the week of August 15

We had a great first week of school and I am so excited to see my students and start this year.  If you haven't returned your colored forms that were in your packet distributed last week, please take care of that asap (Green - Student info/contract, Pink - volunteer form, Blue - media release form, Yellow - health form, and Purple - Smart Music form). 
Also please get your $125 band fee in as soon as possible and definitely no later than Aug. 31 so that we can pay for things we need to pay for to get started with band.  Remember that these are set by the school board and are now run through the school so all checks should be payable to Appling Middl School.  Computers are being issued these next few weeks and our Smart Music subscriptions from last year will be expiring soon and we need these fees to activate them.  I also need fees to pay our school's associaional West TN Band and Orchestra Association dues and my national dues so that our students from Appling may participate in those events.  We will also be ordering tshirts soon and need money for that.  No money will be in our school account to pay for these and we must have fees turned in.  If you have problems getting your money in by this deadline, please let me know and we will try to work out a payment plan. 
7th and 8th grade students will be issued some new pep band music to be performed at the last football game of the year on Sept. 13 so please start working on that as well as reviewing your method book from last year.  6th grade students will learn our first notes this week - super exciting!  We will be starting our after school help sessions next week (not required but encouraged) - Brass and percussion 7/8 graders Monday, Individual practice open to anyone Tuesday, and Woodwind 7/8 graders Wednesday.... all over at 4 pm and pickup in back parking lot.  Bring snack from home or $ for a snack from our concession stand. 
Hope everyone has a great week!  Practice practice!
Mrs. Sanders