7th grade - 2nd period


Assignment Announcement - Smart Music and Flipgrid

I have just posted assignments for smart music due on 11/3 and Flipgrid due on 11/7.  Please go ahead and start practicing these and/or submitting some of these so that you don’t get behind.  I will be pushing you hard this nine weeks to not only prepare for performances, but to move ahead in our book (all grades) and for you to learn scales and Allwest music (7th and 8th grade).  Please work with a metronome and use smart music as a learning tool and not just a “record and submit” tool.  Please don’t procrastinate……. DO YOUR BEST!   Thank you for allowing me to push you to be the best you can be 😊


6th grade:

Smart Music due 11/3:  #39,42, 44, 45

Flipgrid due 11/7: 

5th period https://flipgrid.com/39d4b48d

6th period https://flipgrid.com/6c4a38dd


7th grade:

Smart Music due 11/3:  #11, 19, Habits book IV-17, Habits book IV-21

Flipgrid due 11/7:

1st period: https://flipgrid.com/391db281 and https://flipgrid.com/5bdc45a6


2nd period: https://flipgrid.com/82c8c9c6 and https://flipgrid.com/bacbd891


8th grade:

Smart Music due 11/3:  #17, 20, 22, Habits book V-98

Flipgrid due 11/7:  https://flipgrid.com/c6390d1c and https://flipgrid.com/df4bae64


7th/8th Beginners:

Smart Music due 11/3:  Book One #78, 91, 93, 106

Flipgrid due 11/7:  https://flipgrid.com/ad0bed30 and https://flipgrid.com/04219dcb





Jazz Band Auditions - Audition spots

Jazz band auditions will be Oct. 25 and 26.  I really want you to learn all three pieces the best that you can because those are the pieces I plan to start with in rehearsals if you make the band.  I have narrowed down the spots some for the audition.  I have told the 8th graders to look at the first parts and 6th and 7th graders look at the 2nd/3rd parts that may be a little lower..... but you MUST be flexible if I ask you to play something else or we need you to..... all parts are in your packet.  Work with the smart music recordings to isolate these spots and work with the accompaniment/full band and to slow down if you need to...... listen A LOT to hear how it goes and get a feel for the style..... it will be your #1 tool!  Just do a search for each song because they are not on your assignment page. I plan on taking approximately 2-3 alto sax, 2-3 tenor sax, 1 Bari sax, 4-5 trombone, 4-5 trumpets, 1 piano (or two if they share the bass part), and drum set (usually take 2 so that we can share songs and have a back up).  Hopefully instrumentation will work out.  Happy practicing!
Flat Tire Shuffle -
Alto/Tenor Sax and Trumpet - m.23-39
Trombone/Bari Sax - m.15-31
All instruments - m.47-55
Rhythm section m.39-55 plus last 4 measures
Pacific Attitude -
All saxes - m.9-12 (plus tenor sax player learn the solo 49-64)
Trumpet - m.13-30
Trombone - m.17-36
Rhythm. m.1-13
All instruments - m.67-84
All Saxes - m.5-12
Alto Sax/Trumpet - m.24-28
Trombone/Tenor Sax - m.20-23
Alto Sax and Trumpet work on solos - Alto sax 36-45 and Trumpet 45-52
Rhythm - Beginning through m.12
All instruments 53-end

Honor Band Music Audition Parts

Appling Honor Band auditions will consist of
***Knowing these scales (will pick two of these):  
C concert
F concert
Bb concert
Eb concert
Ab concert
**Plus the chromatic scale (one octave required and more points if can play bigger range)
***Plus these marked spots of your Allwest TN Band music:
Flute - m. 4- beat two of m.8, m. 20-end of 24, m. 27- end of 32
Oboe - pickup to m.9- end of m.15, m.22- end of 27, m.34- end of m.42 (end)
Clarinet - m.1-end of m.8, m.24-end of 32, m.33- 38 after dotted quarter
Saxophone - pickup to m.9-end of 16, m.20- m.24 after first note, m.26-m.33
                        before crescendo (after 9th note)
Trumpet - m.5-end of m.11, m.16- end of 23, m.24- m.29 after quarter note
French Horn - m.4- m.10 after dotted quarter note, m.16- end of 20, m.25- end
                        of m.30
Trombone - pickup to m.9-end of m.19, m.20-eighth rest in m.27, m.42- end 
Baritone - pickup to m.9-m.17, m. 18- eighth rests in m.23, m. 39- end of song
Tuba - m.1-end of m. 9, m. 21- end of m.29, m.30- m.35 after the quarter note
Percussion - Xylophone - m. 17- end of song, Timpani - m.9 - end of song
                      Snare - m.27-end of song
Auditions will be the week after fall break and we will sign up for times before fall break.  
I have posted everyone's music but percussion as a smart music assignment so that you can have access to it as a practice tool..... hopefully percussion music will be coming or I can at least get you a video recording to help you practice.
Happy practicing!
MRs. Sanders

New Smart Music due 9/19

Here are your new Smart Music assignments due Sunday 9/19 by midnight.  Do not procrastinated please submit your best work.... 80% or above accuracy is your goal.
6th grade - #14, 17, 18 (books one)
7th grade - 150, 157 (book one), and Habits book III-10b
8th grade - #80, 97 (book two), Habits book IV-82
7th/8th beginners - #36, 44, 58 (book one)
Happy practicing!

Band Orientation Zoom 8/31 6 pm

There will be a band orientation zoom at 6 pm on Tuesday 8/31 for anyone that may have missed the 8/4 New to Band meeting, anyone that needs refreshed on what to expect with the Appling Band, or if anyone has any questions.  As always you can email me with questions and concerns at [email protected].  
Here is the information  for the zoom:
[email protected] is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: [email protected]'s Personal Meeting Room
Meeting ID: 794 005 4277
Passcode: 689492
One tap mobile
+12678310333,,7940054277#,,,,*689492# US (Philadelphia)
+13017158592,,7940054277#,,,,*689492# US (Washington DC)
Dial by your location
+1 267 831 0333 US (Philadelphia)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 206 337 9723 US (Seattle)
+1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 794 005 4277
Passcode: 689492
Find your local number: https://bartlettschools.zoom.us/u/kcUCtegsUv


All students should have already turned in their care and maintenance quizzes that were due on 8/17 but I am still waiting on a few of these.
All students should have received information via student email and parent email on how to set up Smart Music and FlipGrid accounts..... please reach out to me if you are having trouble - [email protected].  The first set of assignments is due next Friday 9/3.  
Everyone has the same Flipgrid assignment - an introduction video.  Please follow the instructions on that and I would love to see some creativity in using your filters, borders, stickers, etc....
Here are the Smart Music assignments for each group:
6th grade - Essential Elements Book One #6, 8 and 11
7th/8th grade beginners - Essential Elements Book One #14, 17, and 31
7th grade - Essential Elements Book One #67, 97, and 98
8th grade - Essential Elements Book Two #22, 48, and 68

Setting Up Flipgrid

We will be using Flipgrid again this year and everyone will have an introduction assignment due no later than Friday 9/3 (but please sooner).  I have made an example video for you.  Please play around with the background, filters, stickers, etc...... I have set the time limit at 2 minutes but you don't have to use all the time..... just answer the questions completely. Here is the link for each class.  Your join code is the series of numbers at the end.:
7th grade band 1st period:  www.flipgrid.com/3d2b6154
7th grade band 2nd period:  www.flipgrid.com/ad568a77
8th grade band 3rd period:  www.flipgrid.com/1b16ad66
7th and 8th grade beginners:  www.flipgrid.com/d814a352
6th grade Brass class 5th period:  www.fliopgrid.com/e1dd8275
6th grade Woodwind/Percussion 6th period:  www.flipgrid.com/e77adc3f
When it asks you to sign up with Microsoft or Google, press Microsoft and choose your email address (I have it set up to only recognize these email domains).
7th and 8th grade beginners..... go ahead and set up/join both classes but do your intro video in your regular class.  Once we do playing assignments, I will have you do them in the beginner class at first and then transition you over.
Let me know if you have any questions or problems.
Mrs. Sanders

BCS Private Lesson Program Brouchure

Bartlett High School directors are setting up private lessons for fall and the deadline to get registered is Aug. 27.  You may get information from the brochure or sign up here: tinyurl.com/2021falllessons
It is not listed in the brochure, but they will be offering percussion lessons as well with David Koger and Richard Henson. 
This is a GREAT opportunity and will help your student grow as a musician (tone, technique, reading skills, musicianship, etc...), have more self confidence, and develop leadership in the Appling Band.  They are reasonably priced, VERY reputable teachers, and conveniently located in Bartlett at BHS.  
Let me know if you have questions.
Mrs. Sander