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2019 Poinsettia Fundraiser

I distributed this on Friday before school was out and we just emailed out as well, but thought I would post here as well.  These are BEAUTIFUL poinsettias from Bayliss Greenhouse and make wonderful gifts and decorations.  Contact your friends and family and co-workers and also try to contact places like hotels, churches, doctor/dentists offices, etc..... who may use these for decorations.  We make 50% profit on these so SELL, SELL, SELL!  Thanks!

Open House Thursday night 10/10

The 7th and 8th grade bands will be performing at open house Thursday night.  The bands will perform at 6:40 in the gym and will need to wear their band t-shirts that they received this week....... doesn't matter which bottoms and jeans and tennis shoes are fine.  Please be seated for warm up and ready to play in the band room at 6:10.  We will walk to the cafeteria around 6:32ish so that 8th grade can perform a combined piece with the strings and 7th grade will come with and listen to us.  We will then walk over to the gym and perform our band part.  We should be done by 7.  I will need everyone to pitch in and carry stuff back to the band room please.
Let me know if you have any questions.  Rehearsal went well yesterday and they are gonna be great!  Can't wait for everyone to hear them!
Mrs. S.

Tshirt design winner

Here is our t-shirt design winner. Thank you to everyone who submitted designs!   We will take sizes in class next week and get them ordered and back before fall break.  7th and 8th grade band will be wearing them at the open house performance on Oct. 10.  These are part of band fees.  Students will not receive shirts until band fees are paid....... we still have about 20 students that have not paid band fees so please get those in.

Tshirt design voting

Please look over these t-shirt designs and be ready to vote in class for your favorite tomorrow (Wednesday).   If it doesn't say "Appling Band" we will revise it.  This just gives us ideas and we will tweak them to make our own.  We may have to narrow these down and do a revote on Thursday.  Thanks!
Mrs. S.

Extra Credit/PBIS opportunities

The Bartlett High School Band is performing in a parent/community preview night tonight Sept. 14 at the Bartlett High football stadium at 8:40 pm tonight.  This is a free performance and I will be there if you want to find me and show me you were there and I will give you PBIS points and extra credit.  A great chance to see the high school band show.... they are pretty awesome!
Also, my daughter is a senior bassoon player in the Bartlett Band and plays in the Memphis Youth Symphony.  There is also another Appling alumni that plays percussion in the group.  Their kickoff weekend is this weekend and they have a free concert tomorrow afternoon Sept. 15 at 3:00 pm at the Harris auditorium in the music building at University of Memphis.  They are also an amazing group of talented musicians.  Find me or bring me a program and I will give extra credit/PBIS points.

Veteran's Day memo

Here is the Veteran's Day information for the two events in November - Hero for Heroes luncheon and City of Bartlett Veteran's Day program.  I need firm commitments for these events so that I can plan and pull and copy music.   I strongly encourage our kids to participate in these events and use our talents to thank our service men and women.

8th Grade Band Night 2019

Here is the information form/permission slip for the 8th grade night at the Bartlett High football game next Friday night Sept. 20.  We have been working hard on the music for this and it is going to be a lot of fun.  Please sign and return as soon as possible.  Thanks!
Angela Sanders

Announcements for August 26-30

We have had a great first 2 weeks of school!  7th and 8th grade have been reviewing from last year and finishing their method books and sixth grade has learned 3 notes!   Make sure you have turned in your colored forms from your band packet.... still missing 17 kids.  Also your $125 band fee is due by Sept. 6 and we only have about 1/3 of the band that has turned this in.  This covers sheet music, Smart Music and Sight Reading Factory programs, Allwest and Solo and Ensemble entry fees, concert venue rentals, band t-shirt, instrument repairs and upkeep, etc......  
I'm sorry we had to postpone the pool party and then it ended up not doing anything :(. It has been rescheduled for Sunday Sept. 8 2 pm-5 pm - same place.
Orientation nights are this week - 7th/8th grade Monday at 6 pm and 6th grade Wednesday at 6 pm.  Hope to see you there!
Our after school help sessions start this week and are until 4:00.  Make sure you have a ride and picked up in the back parking lot.  You may bring a snack from home or $ for a snack from our concession stand.  7th and 8th grade woodwinds will meet Monday and 7th and 8th grade brass/percussion will meet Wednesday to get a head start on their Allwest music.  6th graders and those 7th/8th graders helping them will meet on Tuesday.  Hope to see you there!
If you are an 8th grader, you will need your Essential Elements book 3 by next week.  If you are a 7th grader you will need your Essential Elements book 2 in about 3 weeks.  
Here is the Remind Text information:

Remind Instructions for 2019-2020 School year for the Appling Band. I use this a LOT for reminders and last minute things that may not be checked by email but go straight to your phones.  Each grade level has their own code.  Later on, I will give out codes for honor and jazz band if you make those groups.

Text the following codes to 81010 or if you’re having trouble with that try (218) 264-0472.

6thgrade @kbfe8k2

7thgrade @e2eh6k

8thgrade @2a32b8

Also make sure to "like" our A.M.S. Band Bartlett, TN Facebook page for updates.

Looking forward to a great week!

Mrs. Sanders