Greg Grammer » Class Expectations

Class Expectations

Agenda Book:

Everyone will have their agenda when you come to class. Make sure your homework is written in your agenda for each day.  Write out for the whole week on Monday!



Have your binder every day in class - a 3 ring binder with tabs.  Tabs in order should be: DO NOW / NOTES / HANDOUTS / REFLECTION / HW



Homework will be given usually once each week on Mondays. I usually will check it on the Friday of that week.  Students can do it when the time is best for them during the week.

**************Studying for 10-15 minutes each night will be vital to your success.*************


Late Work:

All assignments should be turned in on their due date. NO EXCUSES!!!!. If the student does not have the HW the student will be assigned to the ZAP (Zeros Aren’t Preferred) program. Zap is held on school-selected days from 2:15-3:15.

If the student is out sick or due to discipline - then the BCS policy will be accepted for work turned in after the due date.


If you are absent:  YOU are responsible to know what you missed, to do it and turn it in to me.

  1. Get your assignment off my webpage, from Curve or from the classroom make-up folder (if applicable).
  2. Your make-up work must be finished by the number of days in which you were absent.
  3. When completed make sure you give it to me during DO NOW at the beginning of class, with your name, the date you were absent, and your class period number.


Group work:

We will have assignments where you will work in groups.

  1. Stay on task. Any conversation other than our subject matter will result in loss of group privileges.
  2. Pay attention to the noise level I indicate for the group work!
  3. Even though you are working in groups you should generate your own answer – all students are expected to participate equally.


Sharpening Pencils:

Pencils are to be sharpened BEFORE class begins. No one will sharpen pencils during class. To make yourself better prepared make sure you have more than one sharpened pencil at your desk.



Classwork is to be placed in the correct color for your period in the bin located on the side- wall right by the door of the room. Please place your work in the correct bin.  The bins are marked and color coded.


Everyday you should bring the following items to class:





In class art supplies (crayons/markers, ruler) 

An "AR" type of book (to read if finished with a quiz or Test earlier than others)


**Not coming to class prepared will result in receiving a What-Slip**



WHAT is the acronym for our discipline system. The WHAT system is meant to reinforce and teach what it is we expect from the students. WHAT covers student behavioral expectations in the classrooms, restrooms, hallways, cafeteria, buses, and flex areas such as during assemblies.


         W – Work to the Best of Your Ability

       H – Have What You Need to Succeed

       A – Act as a Responsible Student

       T- Treat People, Property, and Time with Respect

**Action Steps for WHAT:

The number of WHAT slips yield the following consequences:

     1 WHAT Slip   -     Written Warning

          2 WHAT Slips -     Note home to parent (may be an e-mail)

          3 WHAT Slips -     Phone call home and silent lunch

          4 WHAT Slips -     Detention

          5 WHAT Slips -     Required Parent Conference**

          6 WHAT Slips -     Office Referral


**Conduct is as follows for the WHAT Discipline Plan.

E = 0-1 Slips

G = 2 Slips

S = 3-4 Slips

N = 5 Slips

U = 6+ slips


*If a student serves ISS based on an office referral – they automatically have a G for conduct.  ISS drops the conduct one letter grade for the class of the infraction. Before or after school referrals impact HOMEROOM conduct.